Thursday, March 12, 2020

Who Does What How My Partner And I Are Splitting Up Chores In Our First Shared Home

Who Does What How My Partner And I Are Splitting Up Chores In Our First Shared Home For most of human history, the way we talk about household labor divisions has rotated largely around heteronormative gender roles. Thankfully, the idea that gender should determine the who does what of housework is (mostly) no longer the world we live in. But theres still no rule book for helping freunds figure out how to divvy up household chores the physical, mental, and emotional ones in a way thats ritterlich and equitable.So, what does the division of household chores for modern couples look like, really? In FGBs Who Does What series, we asked readers to complete an exercise in order to share with us the amount and nature of housework they actually do, and how they and their mann an ihrer seite decided to divvy it all up.--NameAndrea MendesLocationNashville, TNRelationship statusLiving together, not married/engagedWhat type of home (e.g, condo, house) do you have?850 sq ft. 1-bedroom apartment Do you have any kids or pets?One crazy rescue pup, no children.--How long have you and yur partner been together?Five years this past NovemberHow long have you been living together?Since October 2017 we moved from ur parents houses in Massachusetts to Nashville, Tennessee. BIG jump.What chores do you do daily, and how did you and your partner decide youd be the one to do them? Please describe.I take the dishes out of the dishwelchesher every day and put them back. He usually puts them in, and we like to divvy up most things as a team. I also try to keep the apartment clean overall since I work from home, which doesnt always happen if Im busy. It gets messy pretty quick in a one bedroom with our active (and hairy) dog. Which is why we like to do bi-weekly deep cleansWhat chores do you do weekly and/or monthly, and how did you and your partner decide youd be the one to do them? Please describe.We deep clean on weekends bi-weekly, and we trade off on which of us is cleaning what. If h e cleans the toilet/shower/sink one of the weeks, then I clean it the next time. Bi-weekly cleaning helped us save money in the long run, too we used to go out every weekend during the day and spend a ton of moneyHow about your partner? What chores do they do daily, and how did they and/or you decide theyd do them?He puts the dishes from the day into the dishwasher after were done cooking for the night. He usually uses more dishes/pots and pans than I do, so he is the one to load. What chores does your partner do weekly and/or monthly, and how did they and/or you decide theyd do them?As stated above,we try to split and take turns with weekly/monthly chores. A lot of chores just came naturally as we lived together and wanted to keep things equal.Is the way you and your partner divide tasks similar to the household you grew up in? Why or why not?Definitely. I grew up with one sibling, and we always tried to equally split up any housework. He also grew up with two siblings that split t hings between them.Whats something you and your partner could improve on when divvying up and completing household tasks? Whats something you feel youre doing well?I feel that we handle housework really well by dividing equal work however I could definitely take more initiative on staying on top of laundry. Since we do our own, we both have the tendency to forget we have clothes in the dryer and the other will go to put their wet clothes in and its full. Then the clothes get put on top of the dryer and it looks messyLightning Round1. Who makes the bed?I doHe wakes up much earlier than I do, sometimes before 5 a.m.2. When you go out to eat, who picks the restaurant and/or makes the reservation?We both decide on where to go, usually somewhere we can both get what were craving.3. Who makes doctors appointments? Dentist appointments?We each make our own.4. Who picks up the dry cleaning?We actually have a dry cleaning tafelgeschirr in our apartment building from Tide (score) so whoever u sed it goes and picks it up from the locker.5. Who keeps track of friends and family members birthdays?We both do6. Who pays bills? (Or if you divvy this up, who pays which bills?)We split our bills in half and Venmo each other, but most are in my name. When we moved in together, I wanted to handle a lot of the financial aspects. Mostly because Im a control freak and need everything in my control both a good and bad trait to have.7. When something in the house/apartment is broken, who makes sure it gets fixed?He does, but I am usually the one home to let the service person in and point out what is wrong. 8. Who makes sure the tags on your cars are up-to-date?We both do, though I am definitely more on top of it I used to not be but learned my lesson with a ticket.9. Who vacuums?Both More so me because I actually enjoy vacuuming.10. Who was the brde person to dust something?Me, which means hes up next.11. Who was the last person to clean your toilet?He was - that means Im up next12. Who buys groceries?We split them depending on the store. He buys more at one store and I just get a few things so he pays, then I pay for more of my things at another store but pay for some of his.13. Who brings in the mail?I usually do, as Im home during the day.14. Who irons?Neither of us whoops. dryerlife15. Who was the last person to clean out the fridge/pantry of expired items?I was16. Youve been invited to a wedding. Who RSVPs?I do, as my handwriting is more legible. 17. When planning a trip, who books the flights? The hotels?We actually just planned our first trip we did it together to find what would work best for us both18. Who planned what you did last Friday night?He did19. Who planned your last date night?He did, but I like to intervene.20. You need a schadstoff for a friends housewarming party. Who buys it?100% me I am the gift queen--Interested in participating in FGBs Who Does What series? Email with Who Does What in the subject line.

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